Paperdog Marketing Inc (PDM). - “Man’s best friend in marketing”
Offers years of marketing experience formatted into direct marketing via flyers, web hosting, and internet marketing. Flyers are a highly effective way to capture the attention of potential buyers and or turn people who weren't even looking into buyers.
Our flyer designs feature state of the art web hosting along with eye catching prizes and promotions to create urgency and drive traffic to your store. PDM’s flyer designs can be customized to suit your needs and developed to earn co op dollars from your manufacturer. To request a quote simply click on the link in our menu above and we will get back to you ASAP.
Company Quick Facts:
- Founded in 2015, PaperDog Marketing inc has its headquarters in Canada
- Millions generated in accumulated retail sales
- Individuals have earned over a million in commissions and retail profits
- Hundreds of exclusive products and services of PaperDog
- Works throughout Canada, (Toronto, Edmonton, Vancouver, Quebec, Montreal)
PDM Strives for excellence just like you do and we offer top end flyers and promotional products to complement your existing strengths.

Some of our clients